
Since 2005 we have brought you over a MILLION Deals


Since 2005 has provided the interwebs with some of the best shopping deals to be found.

We work with a variety of different merchants including online and brick and mortar stores comparing prices, discounts, sales, free stuff and contests. does not directly sell any of the merchandise that we tell you about… Sometimes the products and deals are so good that the owners of the site make use of them too while other times we just provide you notice of deals that you might like.

Before you make any purchase whether its on the internet or in a store down the street it is important that you do your research. Try to find reviews of products and read the manufacturers specifications along with the ones that a merchant may provide.

You should never use this site as your only or primary reason to make a purchase.

You must read the terms of service page that explains that persons under 18 are not allowed to use this site or provide the owners of any personal information including directory information.

Questions about your purchases should be directed to the merchant with whom you made your purchase.

Never be afraid to miss a deal if you need more information before you make your purchase. New deals are always happening and you never know you may even find a better one.


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